aLwaysLovedByU 23:07
aLwaysLovedByU 22:53
aLwaysLovedByU 10:30
aLwaysLovedByU 22:59
aLwaysLovedByU 22:15
aLwaysLovedByU 22:59
aLwaysLovedByU 23:32
mi taken by her.. hahawent cwp w sis n wallet got big hole..
bought 1 long sleeve, 1 short sleeve, a bag, titbits, plasters(need alot of them)..
looks weird.. 'smelly face' no smile
not tryin to pose.. juz felt e top was a little oversized..
i paid for everythin..
kanna chop.. lolx.. tho e bag is mine..
i'll have a share in e titbits..
n those 2 tops, we'll share.. haha..
shall i go to wrs dinner? $68..
who else is goin~~
if most of my classmates go, i shall go.. hee..
if not... kiki n ali shall persuade mi.. horx? hahaha
aLwaysLovedByU 23:04